MEDTRONIC VERTEX MAX and Dr. Langston Holly Product Defect and Conflict of Interest - UCLA Spine Surgeon

MEDTRONIC VERTEX MAX and Dr. Langston Holly Product Defect and Conflict of Interest - UCLA Spine Surgeon


FDA FRAUD ALERT - Dr. Langston Holly - UCLA

Dr Holly's Attorney

    Dr Langston Holly threatens to sue patient for defamation :: Click the sentence above to see the letter

Medtronic Pays Dr Holly to use Vertex Max

    Medtronic Pays Dr Holly to use Vertex Max :: Dr Holly Royalty Medtronic Payments on File years 2010-2012

UCLA Spine Center - Dr Langston Holly

UCLA Spine Center - Dr Langston Holly

Conflicts of Interest and Failures to Disclose Financial Relationship with Medtronic 

Dr Holly is paid year after year by Medtronic to implant the Vertex Max in patients even when it is not indicated and contraindicated. Dr Holly intentionally conceals his financial relationship and surgical complications from the FDA.  In 2014, the FDA put out a FRAUD ALERT and is narrowing down on these physician owned distributors like Dr Langston Holly.

UCLA Dr Langston Holly Spine Center Patients